Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving: Non Traditional....

I can’t believe that Thanksgiving is one week away! When did this happen?! November sure is flying by!

The other night we went out to dinner for our mom’s birthday and started to discuss Thanksgiving plans to decide who would bring what, what side dishes we wanted and of course dessert! {We get our sweet tooth from our mother!} While we were rounding up the list we noticed that we have started to become very nontraditional on Thanksgiving.  Our family is growing year by year, and to make it easier we do a potluck Thanksgiving where everyone brings a few items rather than the host doing all of the work. Of course we have turkey, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce, but we seem to slowly be eliminating more and more traditional sides each year while swapping in new fresh ideas.

{Mini Pumpkin pies}
            For instance, last year we had turkey, lamb, a Greek salad, and couscous dishes. We wanted to have traditional Greek dishes on our menu since we introduced my husband into our first holiday together as a married couple. Everyone loved the idea of different sides instead of the usual green bean casserole. This year will be no different!  Excited to see what each of us will come up since we are all responsible for an appetizer, a side dish, and a dessert.

{ Caprese Kabobs: cherry tomato, mozzarella, basil leaf, balsamic drizzle}
{Mini Mac 'N Cheese Bites - we love cheese!!!}
            I already know so far we are having more creative mini bite size appetizers, and instead of the traditional apple or pumpkin pie we will be making mini caramel apples, pumpkin cream cheese cupcakes and of course there will be something with peanut butter involved.

            Thanksgiving is a day to remember what you are thankful for throughout the year, spend time with your loved ones, eat until you can’t move, and midday naps with the whole family on one couch. {or alt east this is what our family does! :) } What are your plans for thanksgiving? Does your family add different dishes? Or do you prefer the traditional way? Either way it’s all yummy!

{Carmel Apples with natural twig}


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