Thursday, October 27, 2011

Favorite Fall Dishes

My mom always was in the kitchen baking, cleaning, whipping something up, but this was her territory and we all knew it. She knew how to create delicious meals from scratch, while we had home cooked meals on the dinner table every night. I am extremely fortunate and grateful for this, and it's probably a reason why I love to cook now while creating new dishes and re-creating my mothers. It was around this time of year especially that I remember the kitchen bursting with fumes of chili, soup, cornbread, and many other fall flavors. My sisters, dad, and I would always sneak by and take a sniff of what was in the crock pot or quickly steal a lick from what was left in a bowl. A few of my fall favorite dishes were Sheppard's pie, beef stew, chili, butternut squash soup and classic grilled cheese!

I also love how all of these dishes are classics in most people's kitchens and how each recipe from person to person differs slightly. One person may add jalapenos to their chili, while another uses turkey instead of beef in theirs. Each recipe is authentic, each infused with individual personality and flavor creating different dimensions of the same concept. All of these fall dishes can be easily incorporated into a social gathering or event whether its large portions or modifying them into bite size appetizers ...everyone enjoys a homespun inspired dish!

{Beef Stew}

{Chili served in a crock}

{Bite sized chili bites}


{Gourmet grilled cheese  - add bacon or fresh tomatoes}


{Mini grilled cheese over tomatoe soup for dipping}


{Sheppard's Pie}


{Mini Sheppard pie bites}


{Butternut squash soup}


{Butternut squash served in mini pumpkins}

Hungry yet?  What are your favorite fall meals?

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