Sunday, September 23, 2012

Wedding Gift

I decided to get a little creative with my gift to Courtney & Danny for their wedding.  I really didn't want to give just cash and a card, but something that was a bit more thoughtful and infused with their personalities.  So, I made a Honeymoon Gift Box/Basket including all useful items they could use on or before their vaca to Hawaii.  I knew they were going away about a week after their wedding and I thought if I could help a little bit by making their life easier with a few bare essentials & then some - it would go a long way.  The thing about this gift is that you can customize it to the couple and what you know about their personalities, which is really cool.

So first, I got a basket (which they can reuse for something else) at Target.  Then went to the travel aisle where they have everything in mini sizes, so I picked up some tylenol, suntan lotion, almay makeup wipes, aloe, and body wash.  Then I got a bunch of snacks: doritos, cliff bars, nuts, candy, gatorade, gum, etc.  I then added some reading material, a $25 gift card to iTunes and a $25 gift card to Starbucks.  I then personalized it by ordering customized aluminum water bottles on Etsy labeled Mr. Curley & Mrs. Curley by OneOfAKindWeddings.  I knew they would be doing lots of activities in Hawaii so figured they needed to be well hydrated!  To add the final touch I ordered luggage tags displaying Mr. & Mrs. on the front and their names and phone numbers on the back by Swanky Press. Lastly, I gave a card with cash in it for whatever they wanted to use it for on their trip!

By One Of A Kind Weddings

By Swanky Press

Completed basket!  Just add tissue paper to spice it up and put in a bag!

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